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3 Kitchen Design Hacks for your church kitchen

Renovating, updating, or installing a kitchen for a church involves some unique challenges, which require a unique approach. Here are three design hacks for your new church kitchen.

Creating a sympathetic design

One major concern in churches is preventing the kitchen from clashing with the character of the church. That is especially important when the kitchen will be situated within the church building itself. You need a modern, high-spec kitchen, but not one that disrupts the aesthetic of your church.

DESIGN HACK: With the right tools and expertise, creating a sympathetic kitchen design is relatively easy. For example, Steelplan’s design experts can take into account all of your requirements and suggest a functional design approach that will preserve the character of your space. Our 3D visualisation tool will show you the design in situ, so you can be confident of the result you can expect.

Working with limited space

You might be worried that space limitations will also be limitations on your kitchen’s potential. However, you might be surprised at how much you can fit in a relatively compact area. Choosing and arranging your features and equipment strategically can result in a deceptively spacious kitchen.

DESIGN HACK: If you provide Steelplan Kitchens with a sketch of your kitchen’s dimensions, and a list of your requirements, we can provide a free-of-charge design and consultation service, showing you how to bring your vision to life.

Meeting the needs of your whole congregation

You are likely to have a range of ages and abilities in your congregation. It can feel like a challenge to create a kitchen that is accessible and safe for all, while remaining a highly functional workspace.

DESIGN HACK: Start with accessibility. It can be tempting to start with your plans and ambitions, and then try to make them as accessible as possible. However, it is far easier to start with accessibility and build your kitchen around those requirements. That way you will need to make fewer compromises. Consult experts like Steelplan Kitchens to find smart design solutions to your accessibility questions.

To explore the possibilities for your dream kitchen, and get expert advice on your design, get in touch today. Our designers are on hand to consult on the best solution for your space. You can reach them through [email protected].

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