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Keep Warm in the kitchen

As the weather cools off, ensure your community stays warm with these great ideas to heat your space.

Did you feel that chill in the air? While we’re not reaching for the thermostat just yet, there can be no doubt that winter is on the way. And when the cold weather approaches, your community is less likely to venture from their homes. Your semi-commercial kitchen provides an opportunity to host events that bring people together even in the colder months.


There’s nothing quite like a cup of tea or coffee. Whether you use these hot drinks as part of your breakfast ritual, or as fuel for a busy day there can be no doubt that they bring people together like nothing else. So, on a particularly frosty morning, invite your community to enjoy a brew or two.


Who doesn’t love a good market or car-boot sale? Usually reserved for the summer months, these opportunities for your community to come together create a fantastic day for all. Instead of selling out of the back of cars, you can ask your members to bring a table and set up shop inside.

Plus, with your semi-commercial kitchen and the lure of the event being inside and away from the cold, you can keep this event going for much longer. As we head into the festive season, you can put a holiday twist onto your day to make the event extra special.


In-person craft days are a great way for your community to interact with one another in a relaxed, comfortable environment – while creating something they’ll cherish. Classes are another way to achieve the same ends, plus you’ll get to use the full power of your semi-commercial kitchen.

The proceeds can also be circular. You can ask your volunteers to lead the class, and if you charge a fee, use it to go towards the upkeep of your building. Plus, anything they make can be sold the same day, or taken home.


A community that cooks together stays together, and a meal that is prepared with them at the heart of it is always worth the effort. Your semi-commercial kitchen can be at the centre of it all. With the room to store everything and the strength to withstand heavy usage, a stainless-steel kitchen will make preparing, serving, and the clean-up afterwards simple.


Fundraising doesn’t always need to be outside! Your semi-commercial kitchen holds the key to a successful charity event. From cooking competitions to bake sales, you can be the centre of raising funds for your local cause. Other ideas can include:

  • A concert
  • A talent show
  • An auction
  • A dance off

This isn’t exhaustive, but they’re a good indicator of what you can achieve. And the catering? Supplied by your semi-commercial kitchen.

Steelplan has years of experience providing semi-commercial kitchens of all shapes and sizes. We can help you design and install a kitchen that can meet the needs of your community while providing a safe environment for them to host events. Call the Steelplan Kitchens team on 0844 809 9186 or email us at [email protected].

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