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Flood Risks: Are you prepared?

In the UK, we’re used to the rain, but when the downpours start to outstay their welcome, many buildings are at risk of flooding. Your church for instance may have a leaking roof that’s too expensive to fix, or your community centre is built on a low-lying road and doesn’t have the right protection.

Floods can wreak untold damage onto buildings, and the cost of repairs may only cross your mind when it’s too late.

The average home pays up to £10,000 towards replacements – does your community have that kind of capital should you fall victim to flooding?

Signs of damage

This may seem like a silly statement, but water does more than break electrical appliances or make floors a bit wet. Soft, damp wood is the perfect environment for bacteria to spread – both on the surface and within the beams or planks. This hidden damage can cause health problems and structural issues that in the long run could cost you so much more.

Imagine this in your kitchen.

Your MDF and wooden cabinets are just as susceptible to this kind of damage. A simple spillage can cause bacteria to thrive, a flooded kitchen would exacerbate the problem. There are ways you can spot potential, hidden water damage.

Black spots

Once bacteria finds its way to the surface of your walls, it will make its mark through black mould spots. These spores can be difficult to eradicate once established, and if they are disturbed, can cause breathing issues.

Wall or ceiling stains

Strange stains in old buildings are nothing new, but when they appear in places where water is known to flow, then you could have a problem.

Peeling or bubbling paint

When moisture gets trapped behind paint, it weakens the adhesive in the paint, causing it to flake, peel, or bubble away from the wall. Of course, paint can chip, but excessive flakes is a sign that all is not well on the other side of the wall.

Warped walls

In older buildings, it’s expected that there is some shift in the structure of the building. However, there’s slight movement over the years, and then there’s warping. Walls that start to produce bends and curves within them are warped – and this is caused through the wall soaking up the sitting water.

What can be done?

Putting measures into place to mitigate damage is the first port of call. This can be something as simple as having flood preventatives readily available, but a change to your kitchen can save you thousands.

If you’ve suffered from water or flood damage, you may be looking for a cheap, MDF replacement – but what’s to stop this from happening again? Breaking the replacement cycle is the only way to save money in the long run.

A semi commercial kitchen, made from stainless steel is impervious to the damage above. Unlike wood, which has to be glued in order to stay affixed, semi commercial kitchens are bolted to walls. This allows them to be removed should it be necessary, and if you are cleaning up after a flood, you’ll be able to reach all areas of your kitchen, without destroying your cabinets.

Once clean, they can be put back in. No need to buy an entirely brand new kitchen.

Coming in a range of colours, Steelplan Kitchens can help you design and install a semi-commercial kitchen that’s long-lasting, but still makes you feel at home. Get in touch with our friendly team today on 0844 809 9186, or by emailing [email protected].

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