Two thousand and sixteen has been a funny old year – a year many will people will be glad to see the back of. After twelve months of seemingly relentless doom and gloom, it’s more important than ever to bring your congregation together, with Christmas serving to remind us all of the positive forces of faith and community.
As the countdown to Christmas kicks off this November 27th, it’s likely your church activity will be stepping up a gear, with your kitchen at the heart of the festivities. Whether you’re preparing Christingles for the younger members of your congregation to carry on Christmas eve, manning the coffee maker before midnight mass or serving Christmas dinners to vulnerable members of your community, you’re unlikely to spend more time in your church kitchen at any other time of the year than you do between now and December 24th.
So in the chaos that is Christmas time at church, take a moment to reflect on the crucial part that your kitchen plays in the church community. The endless cups of tea poured to those in need, the hot meals served to those who may otherwise have gone hungry, the charity bake sales that helped to fund a good cause; they all play a vital role in bringing your congregation together.
Of course, it couldn’t be done without you, the volunteers and staff that make every event a success and every visitor feel welcome.
To find out more about fitting a bespoke kitchen at your church in time for next Christmas, contact Steelplan Kitchens on 0844 809 9186