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Celebrating Easter in your community kitchen

Easter is the perfect time to kick off the year’s community and family activities. Here is some Easter inspiration, plus some tips on how to maximise the range and quality of events that you can hold.

Baking events

Spring favourites like hot cross buns, Easter biscuits, and Easter nests are the perfect focus for children’s or family events and classes. Some recipes are more complex than others. Hot cross buns, for example, might be better for older children, but Easter nests and ginger breads are simple to make, take few ingredients, and are suitable for a broader range of ages.

You can also decorate biscuits as an activity in itself.

Egg painting

If you are planning to provide your own eggs, you will need to have hollowed and blown out a lot of shells, which will require patient volunteers with a lot of time to spare. If you are operating a ‘bring your own egg’ policy, then it would be a good idea to have plenty of spare eggs available to prevent tears after inevitable breakages.

Making sure your kitchen is a safe and accessible environment for all ages

Classes like baking and egg decorating are a very popular springtime fixtures, and to make the events as enjoyable as possible, attract good numbers, and to run the safest events you can, the kitchen needs to be safe and easy to use for all ages and abilities.

That includes complying with the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) (which will involve lower surfaces for wheelchair users which also accommodate younger visitors) but without sacrificing usability for general able-bodied users. Steelplan are design experts who have decades of experience finding design solutions that maximise safety and accessibility without sacrificing functionality.

Choose a kitchen that is durable and hygienic

Any kitchen needs to be hygienic, but that’s especially true when young or vulnerable people might be using the space.

Choose a polyester powder coated mild steel kitchen, and your surfaces will be non-absorbent, fire and water resistant, and easy to clean and a seamless welded sink eliminates the need for sealant, as does a folded rear upstand to wall abutments, which is a mould hotspot.

When you choose a Steelplan Kitchen, our experts can also find a way to design mess hotspots out of your new kitchen.

Create a welcoming environment

No families will want to spend an hour or more in a worn-out communal kitchen with peeling surfaces and tired units. Neither will they feel enthusiastic about coming to a cold and intimidating looking commercial-style kitchen.

That’s why a semi-commercial kitchen from Steelplan is ideal for your church or community centre. Our kitchens are wipe-clean and durable, with powder coasted mild steel carcasses and stainless steel worktops, but they come in a range of 18 finishes, which means the kitchen can match the character of your community and create a colourful welcoming environment for all.Would you like to talk to a design expert about the specifications your new kitchen will need? Get in touch with the design experts at Steelplan Kitchens for a free consultation on how to transform the kitchen in your church or community centre. Call 0844 809 9186 or email [email protected].

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